Zhao Jian, the newly elected president of the China Economic and Media Association, is re elected

On April 27th, the 8th Member Representative Conference of the China Economic and Media Association was held in Beijing. The eighth council was elected, and the heads of 133 member media were elected as council members. Zhao Jian was re elected as the President at the first council meeting of the eighth session. The resolution of the conference stated that we should further strengthen the mainstream public opinion of economic propaganda, identify the entry point for media associations to serve Chinese path to modernization, and serve the country, the society, the masses, and the industry.



The current general meeting of members reviewed and voted on nine proposals, including the work report of the seventh council, the financial work report of the seventh council, the work report of the supervisory board, the revised draft of the association’s articles of association, the five-year development plan of the association, and the industry professional ethics standards and industry self-discipline convention. A new council and supervisory board were elected.

The first council meeting of the eighth session elected 44 executive directors and 19 council leaders. Du Yuejin, Zhang Shuhong, and Qiu Chengjun were elected as Vice Presidents stationed at the conference, with Wang Hengtao, Wang Hui, Ji Xiaolei, Zhang Jun, Hu Limin, Du Zengliang, Zhu Changxue, Deng Qingxu, Yang Yudong, Yu Wei, Li Botao, Wu Jianfei, Ke Shanbei, Yang Lu, and others serving as Vice Presidents, and Song Minqiang serving as the full-time Secretary General. The new board of supervisors elected Song Bo as the chairman of the board of supervisors.

The council hired Feng He as the chairman of the expert committee, with Mo Xinyuan, Gu Yonghua, Pi Shuyi, Guan Jianwen, Ding Shi, Huang Wenfu, Liu Hong, and Wang Qing as the first batch of senior experts; Liu Canguo is the Honorary Vice President of the 8th Council.

It is understood that the China Economic Media Association is a national and industry social organization voluntarily formed by relevant institutions and individuals engaged in the dissemination and service of economic news and information in China, such as newspapers, radio, television, networks, and new media. It was founded in November 1987 as the China Economic Information Newspaper Association, renamed as the China Economic Newspaper Association in December 2005, and changed to its current name in August 2017. Approved, the seventh council has been in office since then. The association currently has around 400 mainstream economic media and top new media members nationwide, making it the most influential organization in the economic media industry.


Speech by Wu Jing, member of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Journalists Association

Wu Jing, a member of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the All China Journalists Association, congratulated the China Economic and Media Association on its smooth transition on behalf of the China Journalists Association. She stated that the Economic Media Association adheres to the correct political direction, upholds the spirit of unity in organizing meetings, continuously strengthens its own construction, serves the country, society, and industry, and contributes to consolidating and strengthening mainstream ideological and public opinion. It is hoped that the new Council will lead all members to improve their political ability, serve the overall situation, adhere to pioneering and innovation, build a “home of economic media” in the new era with high quality, and tell new stories and good stories about Chinese path to modernization under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural ideology.


Speech by Yu Ping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing

Yu Ping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, represented the Party building work organization authorized by the Central Department of Social Work and attended the entire membership conference. He pointed out that the election of the head of the China Economic and Media Association has received strict review and careful guidance from the Second Bureau of the Ministry of Social Security, laying a solid foundation for the convening of the conference. The 7th Council of the Association has always put political construction in the first place, led the development of the industry with party building, accurately grasped the overall requirements of the Party for news media work in the new era, continuously integrated economic media linkage communication resources, adhered to the position of economic propaganda and public opinion, effectively and effectively promoted the innovative development of the economic media industry. Some traditional brand activities have been consolidated and improved, and some innovative service activities have a significant social impact, strong industry credibility, and high praise from media colleagues. He emphasized that as a social organization in the economic media industry, from a political perspective, the China Economic Media Association undertakes an important task of promoting public opinion on the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics; From an industry perspective, it plays an important role in organizing members and promoting the development of the economic and media industry. The new council should adhere to the leadership of the Party’s political construction in economic and media work, firmly grasp the Party’s leadership in ideological work, and unify ideological actions with the “Two Foundations”. At a new starting point, the quality of the association’s party building and service level should be continuously improved.


Zhao Jian, President of the China Economic and Media Association, made a statement on behalf of the 8th Council of Directors

After being re elected as the President of the 8th Council, Zhao Jian stated that the new Council will be guided by the Party’s innovative theory, comprehensively strengthen the Party’s leadership, and adhere to the principle of putting the people first and putting people’s livelihoods first. Combining the development and change of social organizations and the advantages of economic media communication, we focus on the central work of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and accurately serve the construction of Chinese path to modernization. Further consolidate and strengthen the mainstream public opinion position of economic propaganda, and strengthen the construction of a fully media communication system empowered by technology. Service oriented, innovative brand activities, caring for society, serving members, honesty and trustworthiness, autonomy and self-discipline, striving to build a more warm and dignified economic media home.

Feng He, former editor in chief of the Economic Daily and former president of the China Economic Media Association, Zhai Huisheng, former party secretary and executive vice chairman of the All China Journalists Association, and Zhu Huohong, director of the Social Organization Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, were invited to attend the conference. Nearly 270 member representatives of the association participated in the voting at the general meeting.

(Attached are the names of the leaders and executive directors of the 8th Board of Directors)


Zhao Jian, Du Yuejin, Zhang Shuhong, Qiu Chengjun, Wang Hengtao, Wang Hui, Ji Xiaolei, Zhang Jun, Hu Limin, Du Zengliang, Zhu Changxue, Deng Qingxu, Yang Yudong, Yu Wei, Li Botao, Wu Jianfei, Ke Shanbei, Yang Lu, Song Minqiang


Ding Jianming, Wang Kai, Wang Ying, Wang Hui, Wang Hengtao, Wen Zhao, Deng Qingxu, Cong Gang, Zhu Changxue, Qi Jieren, Sun Xiayun, Su Manli, Du Yuejin, Du Zengliang, Li Botao, Yang Yi, Yang Yu, Yang Lu, Yang Yudong, Wu Peng, Wu Jianfei, Qiu Chengjun, Song Minqiang, Zhang Jun, Zhang Yiyong, Zhang Yandong, Zhang Shuhong, Chen Xiaobin, Chen Lina, Hang Min, Ji Xiaolei, Zhou Haicheng, Zhao Jian, Zhao Xiaoqiang, Hu Limin, Ke Shanbei, Hou Dawei, Yuan Ye, Dang Dihuan, Yu Wei, Xiong Yuping, Pan Chuanlong (contact person), Pan Lianzhong, Wei Jiajing