Zhongguancun Forum focuses on new quality productivity experts: Science and technology innovation parks are the best “source” for the development of new quality productivity

Continuing to pay attention to the ongoing 2024 Zhongguancun Forum, at the “Management Innovation from the Perspective of New Quality Productivity” sub forum held yesterday, Wang Hong, Dean of China Europe International Business School, stated in an interview with First Financial that developing new quality productivity is to build a modern industrial system and drive industrial renewal through technological innovation. Therefore, the most important thing is to comprehensively enhance the technological content of factors in the production process and use new technologies to drive the upgrading and replacement of traditional industries.

Continuing to pay attention to the ongoing 2024 Zhongguancun Forum, at the “Management Innovation from the Perspective of New Quality Productivity” sub forum held yesterday, Wang Hong, Dean of China Europe International Business School, stated in an interview with First Financial that developing new quality productivity is to build a modern industrial system and drive industrial renewal through technological innovation. Therefore, the most important thing is to comprehensively enhance the technological content of factors in the production process and use new technologies to drive the upgrading and replacement of traditional industries.