Du Bingqin: Influenced by geopolitical and macro factors, international oil prices have fallen from high levels | market vertical line

Du Bingqin, an energy and chemical analyst at Everbright Futures Research Institute, believes that the significant decline in international oil prices since the holiday is mainly influenced by geopolitical and macro factors. During the holiday period, progress has been made in the negotiations between Palestine and Israel, and there are signs of easing in the geopolitical situation in the Middle East, resulting in a decrease in the premium brought to crude oil; Of course, the latest news shows that ceasefire negotiations have once again undergone changes, which has driven a certain rebound in oil prices. On a macro level, the Federal Reserve continued to maintain interest rates unchanged at its interest rate meeting on May 1st, coupled with the latest weak April non farm payroll data released by the United States, market concerns about the outlook for energy demand have once again intensified.