The “the Belt and Road” Seminar on People to People Connectivity was held in Venezuela

Xinhua News Agency, Caracas, March 23 (Reporter Xu Ye and Wang Ying) The Chinese Embassy in Venezuela and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela jointly held a seminar on “the Belt and Road” people to people connectivity in Caracas on the 22nd. Nearly a hundred Chinese ambassadors to Venezuela, Vice Foreign Ministers of Venezuela, representatives of Venezuela’s students and scholars from think tanks attended the meeting.

Chinese Ambassador to Venezuela, Lan Hu, said in his speech that China actively conforms to the trend of the times, advocates for an equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, and comprehensively promotes practical cooperation with Venezuela in various fields. In the past 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, China has made significant contributions to promoting the economic and social development of Venezuela through numerous human resource training programs. I hope that the students studying in China can serve as ambassadors for bilateral exchanges, actively apply what they have learned, and make their own contributions to promoting bilateral practical cooperation and deepening friendship between the two peoples.

Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister Pug highly praised China’s tremendous achievements in economic development and its great power role on the international stage. He sincerely thanked China for its valuable support in human resources training and other fields, and expressed that Venezuela is willing to continue to deepen mutual understanding and expand mutually beneficial cooperation with China, and promote the stable and far-reaching all-weather strategic partnership between the two countries.

Venezuelan prosecutor Ramirez, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Rodriguez, Director of the International Department of the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries Medina, and other representatives of the trainees enthusiastically spoke, sharing their learning and training experiences in China, and actively providing suggestions for the development of bilateral relations.