Chengdu: No longer reviewing the eligibility for purchasing a house, no longer limiting the number of units to be purchased

In order to conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, effectively fulfill the urban main responsibility, adapt to the trend of new urbanization and changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market, accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development, better meet the diversified housing needs of the people, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in our city, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1、 The system drives supply-demand balance

(1) Scientifically and accurately formulate housing development plans and annual plans, improve the “market+guarantee” housing supply system, comprehensively promote the establishment of a new mechanism for linking people, housing, land, and money, and focus on building a new model of real estate development.

(2) Deepen the implementation of the “red, orange, and green” three color management for the supply of commercial construction land, and appropriately reduce land supply in areas with high supply and sales ratios for residential and commercial land.

(3) Encourage market entities to convert their own idle and inefficient commercial office and other non residential stock housing into affordable rental housing according to relevant requirements. Encourage state-owned enterprises in cities, districts, and counties to rent and purchase idle commercial office buildings for office, public services, and industrial use, and promote a virtuous cycle in the commercial office housing market.

2、 Optimizing services to stimulate vitality

(4) The city’s commercial housing projects will no longer be subject to notarization and lottery for housing selection, and will be sold independently by enterprises. Encourage enterprises to adopt notarized lottery selection and sales for hot projects with high social attention.

(5) Promote the deepening and implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, and meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally.

(6) Support synchronous sales of parking spaces and residential properties; Reasonably set up the planning ratio of parking spaces for newly sold residential land.

3、 Meeting reasonable housing needs

(7) Housing transactions throughout the city will no longer be subject to review for purchasing qualifications.

(8) Promote the use of the first elevated floor for public service spaces, increase the proportion of semi open spaces such as residential balconies, promote the development of low-density and high-quality residential products in suburban (city) counties, and further increase the supply of high-quality housing.

This notice is from

Q&A on Further Optimizing Policies and Measures for Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market

1、 What is the background of the policy introduction?

In order to adapt to the new situation of significant changes in the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market, implement the main responsibility of the city, implement policies tailored to the city, adjust and optimize real estate policies, better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, our city has studied, formulated and issued the “Notice on Further Optimizing Policies and Measures for the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market” from a practical perspective.

2、 What measures are there to promote supply-demand balance?


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3、 What are the supporting policies for market entities to renovate and operate affordable rental housing, and how do they apply specifically?

Each market entity may apply to the local housing and construction department where the project is located, and after being recognized by the local leadership group for affordable rental housing, a “Certificate of Recognition for Affordable Rental Housing Projects” shall be issued. The applying unit can enjoy the following support policies with the recognition certificate:


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4、 What measures are in place to support the demand for real estate financing?

We will conscientiously implement the Notice of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the State Administration of Financial Supervision on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing (Jianfang [2024] No. 2) and relevant meetings of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, establish a “whitelist” system for real estate financing coordination mechanisms, more accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, accelerate the implementation and effectiveness of urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms, promote compliant enterprise projects to “push as much as possible”, “advance as much as possible”, and “loan as much as possible”, support the delivery of real estate project construction, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of homebuyers.

5、 Why support synchronous sales of parking spaces and residential properties?

Supporting the synchronous sale of corresponding underground motor vehicle parking spaces during pre-sale (current sale) of commercial residential properties is conducive to further facilitating the sales management of motor vehicle parking spaces in residential projects, and can better meet the needs of homebuyers to purchase motor vehicle parking spaces synchronously when purchasing commercial housing.

6、 How to understand that the city’s commercial housing projects can no longer be subject to notarization and lottery, and encourage enterprises to notarize and lottery projects with high attention?

No longer implementing notarization lottery, on the one hand, it can improve the convenience of purchasing houses for the public, and no longer require pre qualification codes for purchasing houses; On the other hand, it can improve the sales efficiency of commercial housing and shorten the time cycle from obtaining pre-sale permits for the project to the online signing and filing of home buyers.

At the same time, for hot projects with high market attention, in order to ensure the fairness, impartiality, and openness of the sales process, after evaluation by the local government, enterprises are encouraged to use a public lottery method with the full participation of notary institutions for sales. Any illegal or irregular behavior that occurs during the sales process will be resolutely and seriously investigated.

6、 How to understand that the city’s commercial housing projects can no longer be subject to notarization and lottery, and encourage enterprises to notarize and lottery projects with high attention?

No longer implementing notarization lottery, on the one hand, it can improve the convenience of purchasing houses for the public, and no longer require pre qualification codes for purchasing houses; On the other hand, it can improve the sales efficiency of commercial housing and shorten the time cycle from obtaining pre-sale permits for the project to the online signing and filing of home buyers.

At the same time, for hot projects with high market attention, in order to ensure the fairness, impartiality, and openness of the sales process, after evaluation by the local government, enterprises are encouraged to use a public lottery method with the full participation of notary institutions for sales. Any illegal or irregular behavior that occurs during the sales process will be resolutely and seriously investigated.

7、 How to adjust the housing purchase restriction policy in this city?

Housing transactions throughout the city will no longer review the purchase conditions such as registered residence and social security, and will no longer limit the number of units purchased.

8、 What measures are there to increase the supply of high-quality housing?

In order to adapt to the new situation of significant changes in the supply and demand relationship of real estate and the new stage of housing transformation from “existence” to “good or bad”, and meet the needs of the people for high-quality housing, efforts are made to increase public service space, comprehensively promote the first floor of elevated floors, increase the proportion of half open space and half capacity of residential buildings, encourage green, low-carbon, and technological buildings, promote the development of low-density and high-quality residential products in suburban (city) counties, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and happiness of the people.