Display and promote Shanghai, and engage in broader mutually beneficial cooperation with Hong Kong! Shanghai delegation for inspection and exchange in Hong Kong

The Shanghai delegation led by Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, visited Hong Kong from April 25th to 28th. During the visit, Gong Zheng met with the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, and the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong, Zheng Yanxiong. He attended the sixth meeting of the Shanghai Hong Kong Cooperation Conference and participated in the 2024 Hong Kong “Shanghai Week” series of activities. He also conducted on-site visits to the Hong Kong Science Park, the West Kowloon Cultural District, the University of Hong Kong, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

At the overtime meeting with the Li family, Gong Zheng said that at present, we are focusing on the important mission of building “five centers” according to President Xi Jinping’s strategic positioning for Shanghai, and accelerating the building of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence. Hong Kong is an important international financial, shipping, and trade center, and is a world-renowned free port. In areas such as science and technology innovation, finance, professional services, and urban governance, Hong Kong has many good practices and experiences that are worth learning and learning from in Shanghai. Shanghai is willing to continue to make good use of the Shanghai Hong Kong Cooperation Conference mechanism, engage in broader mutually beneficial cooperation with Hong Kong, and achieve common development. At the same time, we hope to showcase and promote Shanghai through the “Shanghai Week” event, enhance the understanding of Shanghai among all sectors of Hong Kong, and better promote exchanges and cooperation between Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Li Jiachao congratulated Shanghai on its achievements in economic and social development and the construction of the “Five Centers”. Hong Kong and Shanghai are like two brothers on the left and right. Hong Kong will further consolidate and leverage its basic advantages in internationalization. Shanghai has rich experience, outstanding abilities, and abundant talents in various aspects, especially in technological innovation and industrial application. We hope to further leverage the advantages of the two regions, learn from each other’s successful experiences, continuously strengthen communication and exchange, and form more breakthrough, innovative, and exemplary cooperation in different fields, jointly contributing to the high-quality development of the country.

During his stay in Hong Kong, Gong Zheng attended the 2024 Shanghai Global Promotion Conference and the “Invest in Shanghai, Share the Future” Overseas Tour Hong Kong Station event, the 2024 Pujiang Innovation Forum: Innovation Cooperation New Space – Shanghai Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Dialogue, the “Gathering Shanghai” Shanghai Hong Kong Exchange Event, the opening ceremony of “Shanghai Television Week”, the 2024 Hong Kong Shanghai Food Festival event, and held a symposium with Shanghai Hong Kong Innovation Youth and Shanghai Hong Kong Enterprise Leaders. City leaders have had in-depth exchanges with major chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, as well as leaders of leading companies in industries such as science and technology innovation, finance, shipping, and real estate.

At the Hong Kong event of the Shanghai Global Promotion Conference, Gong Zheng said that Shanghai is accelerating the construction of “five centers”, cultivating and developing new quality productive forces, promoting high-level institutional openness, creating a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class business environment, and improving the modernization level of urban governance. We sincerely invite friends from all walks of life in Hong Kong to experience the development and changes in Shanghai on the spot. We are willing to join hands with everyone with the greatest sincerity and the best service to embark on a new journey of cooperation and create new brilliance.

At the Shanghai Hong Kong Innovation Youth Symposium, Gong Zheng encouraged young people from both Shanghai and Hong Kong to bravely become the “trendsetters” of technological innovation in the new era, to be a strong promoter of Shanghai Hong Kong scientific and technological cooperation, and to welcome Hong Kong youth to participate in Shanghai’s reform, opening up, and modernization construction. During the discussion with the heads of Shanghai based enterprises in Hong Kong, Gong Zheng encouraged them to serve the overall situation, become stronger and better, and serve as a bridge for Shanghai Hong Kong exchange and cooperation, a window for Shanghai’s opening-up, and a pioneer in serving national strategies.

During the visit, Gong Zheng inspected the Hong Kong Science Park and the West Kowloon Cultural District, inspected the Shanghai Medical Biotechnology Hong Kong Laboratory, the InnoHK Project “Medical Robot Innovation Technology Center”, and went to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to investigate the joint establishment of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Interdisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence. At the University of Hong Kong, Gong Zheng participated in the Shanghai Hong Kong University Alliance Student Exchange Day event to exchange and interact with students.

The Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Chen Maobo, the Secretary for Justice, Lin Dingguo, the Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong, He Jing and Yin Zonghua, the leaders of Shanghai, Chen Tong and Hua Yuan, and the Party Secretary of Fudan University, Qiu Xin, participated in the relevant activities.