High quality promotion of youth development oriented urban construction in Qingyang District, Chengdu

On the occasion of the 75th May Fourth Youth Day, in order to focus on promoting the all-round progress and high-quality development of youth work in the entire region, and accelerate the formation of a more youth friendly and more vibrant urban environment, Qingyang District held a press conference on the construction of a youth development oriented urban area project on April 28th. Li Xiufeng, a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, introduced the construction of a youth development oriented urban area in Qingyang District and interpreted the plan for building a youth development oriented urban area in Qingyang District. The responsible persons of the Youth League Committee, the District Civil Affairs Bureau, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, as well as the leaders of the Youth Creative Community and Youth Vocational Skills Training Special Projects, will promote the projects.

('Photos of the press conference venue',)(‘Photos of the press conference venue’,)

High level promotion of youth development driven urban areas

For a city, only by winning the youth can we win the future. Since promoting the construction of a youth development oriented urban area in Qingyang District, the concept of prioritizing youth development has always been practiced. The principle of the Party governing youth and the concept of prioritizing youth development have become more deeply rooted in people’s hearts. The environment for youth development has been greatly optimized, policies and measures to serve youth have been more perfect, and the stage for young people to showcase their talents has become broader. At present, Qingyang has built a one-stop service “Rongpiao” talent platform, an aviation new city talent station, and 50 youth homes, serving more than 50000 young people annually.

('Youth Home Flagship Store in Qingyang District, Chengdu',)(‘Youth Home Flagship Store in Qingyang District, Chengdu’,)

Nowadays, with the introduction of the “Plan for Building a Youth Development oriented Urban Area in Qingyang District”, the youth development work mechanism, which is led by the Party Committee, led by the government, coordinated by the Communist Youth League, and jointly managed by all parties, is continuously improving. The top-level design has become an important support for the development of youth urban areas.

At the press conference, Li Xiufeng gave a brief introduction to the plan for building a youth development oriented urban area in Qingyang District. The plan focuses on the urgent and difficult issues faced by young people. By optimizing the seven major environments of urban planning, education, employment, housing, life, health, and safety that young people are concerned about, it implements seven actions to help young people grow and succeed, including industrial achievements, innovation and entrepreneurship, open exchange, low-carbon and livable, promoting culture, leading by pioneers, and doubling happiness. It further promotes the mutual promotion and progress of youth development and urban construction, and vividly depicts a blueprint for building a youth development oriented urban ecology with high standards.

“Guided by the needs of young people, we aim to create a dynamic, opportunities, and innovative development environment for the vast majority of young people, bringing new changes to their growth and development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and living and living, promoting the common growth of young people and Qingyang, and achieving high-quality development.” Li Xiufeng said in his introduction.

Three highlights

These upcoming “new changes” are due to the introduction of the “Qingyang District Youth Development oriented Urban Area Plan”, which has given young people more confidence in gathering in Qingyang. The reporter also learned at the press conference that the “Plan for Building a Youth Development oriented Urban Area in Qingyang District” elaborates in detail on the ideas and specific measures for promoting a youth development oriented urban area in Qingyang District, and has three “highlights” in top-level design, industrial characteristics, and service system.

In terms of top-level design, Qingyang District has incorporated the construction of a youth development oriented urban area into the overall work of the district. Establish a youth work joint meeting system with leaders of the district committee and government as conveners and 42 units as members, and launch the “three lists” of Qingyang District’s construction of a youth development oriented urban area, namely the list of youth livelihood practical projects, the list of youth development policies, and the list of youth development community park enterprises. Sort out and summarize 14 expected achievements of youth development and more than 20 youth development livelihood practical projects, and build a youth affairs mechanism with party committee leadership, government responsibility, Communist Youth League coordination, and joint management by all parties.

In terms of industrial characteristics, youth development will be fully integrated into the planning and layout of Qingyang’s “Cultural Qingyang · Aviation New City”. Cultivate 5 youth industry development oriented communities in the Aviation New City, construct 10 youth industry development oriented parks represented by the National Innovation Center, and 15 youth industry development oriented scenes represented by Tianfu Jiangxin. Gather more than 30 youthful parks, green spaces, and cultural venues such as the Aviation Theme Park. Build an aviation new city youth talent station and youth home, serving 800 young people annually; Every year, 100 activities such as the Aviation New City Youth Perception Tour are held, allowing young people and Qingyang to travel in both directions and resonate with each other.

('Youth Development Block',)(‘Youth Development Block’,)

In terms of service system, we aim to enable young people to achieve success in Qingyang industry, have a place to live, have a sense of belonging, and achieve shared governance. Two employment and entrepreneurship service stations for young college students have been established, with 50 online and offline youth career promotion activities held annually. 20000 job information posts have been released, and 4500 new college graduates have been recruited for employment and entrepreneurship. Create new scenes for single young people in the industry to engage in marriage and dating, build 10 youth marriage and dating platforms such as Xicun Marriage Station, and organize more than 50 marriage and dating activities annually. Promote the construction of a three-level system of “flagship store+co operated store+community store” for Youth Home, and carry out 200 activities such as “Youth Night School” every year to achieve a “15 minute youth social circle”.

Project focus

At the press conference, the responsible persons of the Youth League Committee, the District Civil Affairs Bureau, and the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau introduced the implementation and experience of the Youth Talent Station and Youth Home, the Marriage Registration Office of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo Park, and the “Lechuang Qingyang” entrepreneurial activity brand project. They also had in-depth exchanges with the attending journalists on topics such as youth development service positions, youth marriage scenes, and youth employment and entrepreneurship policies.

What distinctive and highlight services can the Marriage Registration Office of Qingyang District Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo Park provide for new applicants? The Director of the District Civil Affairs Bureau, Geng Xiaoqing, stated that the District Civil Affairs Bureau will rely on the Marriage Registration Office of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo Park to continue to provide distinctive certification services and enrich activities, promote the promotion of the culture of changing customs and marriage customs, actively create the “Youth Heart Has You, Youth Encounters Good Fate” marriage registration service brand, and continue to customize exclusive happiness and unique romance for young friends.

What services can college graduates enjoy for entrepreneurship? Feng Lu, a member of the Party Group of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Director of the Employment Bureau, introduced that through implementing entrepreneurship support policies, organizing free entrepreneurship training, providing entrepreneurship guidance services, carrying out brand entrepreneurship activities, and settling in entrepreneurship incubation carriers, we will serve the youth of Lechuang Qingyang and Dream Fulfillment Qingyang.

What are the highlights and measures to better serve young people by relying on youth talent stations? “The upgraded post stations are more precise in catering to the needs of young people,” said Chen Ying, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, fully considering the convenience of transportation and job seeking in terms of geographical location; In terms of life services, highlight the diversity of shared spaces for young people and the convenience of surrounding living facilities. In terms of policy promotion, emphasis is placed on “activities+publicity”, integrating online and offline promotion of various youth service policies.

Next, Qingyang District of Chengdu will adhere to the construction of a youth development oriented urban area as the overall focus, deeply implement the “Seven Actions” and optimize the “Seven Environments”, making Qingyang more friendly to young people, making young people more promising in Qingyang, and providing more opportunities, larger platforms, and better services for young people rushing to Qingyang.