Guangzhou has introduced an implementation plan to promote large-scale equipment updates and trade in consumer goods

On April 29th, the Implementation Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Exchange in Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) was released on the official website of the Guangzhou Municipal Government. The “Plan” is divided into six parts and 24 items, clarifying that Guangzhou will implement four major actions: large-scale equipment updates, trade in consumer goods, waste recycling and reuse, and standard improvement, to promote industrial upgrading and transformation, unleash investment and consumption potential, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.

According to the goals proposed in the plan, by 2027, the investment scale of equipment in industries, construction, transportation, agriculture, education, cultural tourism, medical and other fields in Guangzhou will increase by more than 25% compared to 2023;

The proportion of production capacity in key industries where the energy efficiency of energy consuming equipment has reached the energy-saving level and the environmental performance has reached the A-level has significantly increased. The popularization rate of digital research and development design tools and the CNC rate of key processes in industrial enterprises above designated size have exceeded 90% and 75%, respectively;

The annual standardized recycling and dismantling volume of scrapped cars is about 40000, and the annual transaction volume of used cars exceeds 300000. The proportion of recycled materials in resource supply is further increasing, and the level of recycling and utilization is constantly improving.

Focus on promoting the renovation of old residential elevators and the installation of elevators in existing residential areas

The Plan clarifies the work directions in 19 areas through four major actions: large-scale equipment updates, trade in durable consumer goods, waste recycling and reuse, and standard improvement. It basically covers the content of national and provincial implementation plans and reflects the characteristics of Guangzhou.

Many of these jobs are closely related to the lives of the people. For example, in implementing large-scale equipment renewal actions, it is proposed to combine new urbanization construction, urban renewal, and the renovation of old residential areas to accelerate the upgrading of supporting facilities such as aging and child friendly facilities, accessible facilities, electric bicycles and car charging facilities, security, fire protection, cultural leisure, sports and fitness, and disaster prevention and avoidance in residential areas and surrounding areas.

At the same time, it is necessary to classify and orderly promote the updating of building equipment that is technologically backward, does not meet relevant standards and specifications, and does not meet energy conservation and environmental protection standards, with a focus on promoting the updating of old residential elevators, the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings, the updating of old commercial building elevators, and the updating of construction equipment.

In the implementation of the trade in action for consumer goods, it is clear to support the trade in of cars and optimize the registration quota restrictions for gasoline powered vehicles; Reward individual consumers who meet the criteria for exchanging old cars for new ones.

In the action of waste recycling and reuse, the Plan clearly states that Guangzhou should improve the network of waste product equipment recycling, support the circulation and trading of second-hand goods, support remanufacturing and cascading utilization, and promote high-level resource recycling.

Guangzhou will also implement standard improvement actions, strengthen the support of green and low-carbon development standards, accelerate the updating and upgrading of product technology standards, strengthen the connection of key field standards, use advanced standards to force equipment product technology upgrading and quality improvement, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.

Strengthening policy guarantees to achieve economies of scale

Implementing large-scale equipment updates and exchanging old for new consumer goods targets a broader domestic demand market with unlimited potential.

Therefore, Guangzhou proposes to increase financial support, implement tax support policies, expand financial support channels, strengthen factor protection, and strengthen innovation support.

Among them, Guangzhou will actively plan and reserve a batch of major projects such as equipment renewal and recycling, and fully strive for the support of the central budget investment, ultra long term special treasury bond and provincial special funds for technological transformation; Make full use of the energy conservation and emission reduction subsidy funds arranged by the central government, funds related to the modern commercial circulation system, urban transportation development incentive funds, and special funds for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products, strengthen the coordination and linkage between the central and local governments, provinces and cities, and support the work of exchanging old cars for new ones, purchasing green and intelligent home appliances, updating new energy buses and batteries, and disposing of waste electrical and electronic products that meet the conditions.

In terms of finance, we should make good use of policy tools such as technology innovation and technology renovation loans, as well as the central government’s special interest subsidy policies, to promote financial institutions to increase their support for equipment updates and technology renovation; Support enterprises to update equipment through financing leasing, and promote financing leasing services for equipment updates in key areas such as industry, agriculture, education, and healthcare; Encourage banking institutions to optimize the down payment ratio, loan term, and credit limit of passenger car loans under the premise of legal compliance and controllable risks.

The plan also emphasizes that all districts and departments should strengthen overall coordination, strengthen urban linkage and information sharing, do a good job in policy interpretation and publicity, use activities such as the Canton Fair and China Brand Day to promote high-quality products and brands, and create a good social atmosphere to promote large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade in. All relevant departments should establish specialized teams to strengthen overall coordination and supervision and guidance.