China Africa Investment and Trade Promotion Cooperation Exchange Conference held in Kenya

This is the scene of the China Africa Investment and Trade Promotion Cooperation Exchange Conference and the Kenya International Investment Conference, which was filmed on May 9th in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li YahuiThis is the scene of the China Africa Investment and Trade Promotion Cooperation Exchange Conference and the Kenya International Investment Conference, which was filmed on May 9th in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yahui

Nairobi, May 9th (Xinhua) – The China Africa Investment and Trade Promotion Cooperation Exchange Conference and the Kenya International Investment Conference were held in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, on May 9th. This event is jointly organized by the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo and the Ministry of Trade, Investment and Industry of Kenya. It is the first stop of the series of activities of the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo entering Africa.

Cao Zhiqiang, Vice Governor of Hunan Province, said at the meeting that Hunan is focusing on the two major national platforms for economic and trade cooperation with Africa, namely the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo and the pilot area for in-depth economic and trade cooperation with Africa, and is striving to build an innovative zone for economic and trade cooperation with Africa, a leading area for in-depth economic and trade cooperation with Africa, a bearing area for industrial chain cooperation with Africa, and a “reception hall” for economic and trade exchanges and cooperation with Africa. Hunan will actively promote the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road”, pragmatic docking with relevant measures of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, and contribute more to building a high-level China Africa community of shared future.

On May 9th, exhibitors talked with guests during the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo held in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, during their tour of Africa. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li YahuiOn May 9th, exhibitors talked with guests during the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo held in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, during their tour of Africa. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yahui

Kenya’s Minister of Trade, Investment and Industry, Rebecca Miano, stated that the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo is an important platform for promoting breakthrough progress in China Africa economic and trade cooperation. She looks forward to witnessing innovative products and leading services that shape the future of the industry at the Expo, and helping China and Africa move towards a more competitive and sustainable development future.

At the event, 10 cooperation projects, including the Kenya China Economic and Trade Incubation Park Phase II project, Kenya Agricultural Products Import Public Overseas Warehouse project, and Tanzania Sunflower Seed Oil Processing Plant project, were signed with a contract amount of 295 million US dollars.

A total of 700 representatives from various sectors of China and Africa, as well as representatives from international organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the African Union Commission, attended the meeting.