Hunan: Strive to be the first in promoting the rise of the central region and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in three aspects

Strive to achieve a revenue of 800 billion yuan in the new materials industry by 2025, and make greater contributions to building an energy and raw material base.

On May 10th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference. How to strive for excellence? I think we should strive to be the first in the following three aspects.

One is to strive for excellence in enhancing economic contribution. Hunan is in the middle of the country, with a registered residence population of 73 million, ranking the eighth in the country. Last year, its economic aggregate ranked the ninth in the country, with a land area of 211800 square kilometers, and the tenth in the country. We often say that “eight or nine are inseparable from ten”. Hunan is in such a location and economic position that it should make a contribution to the overall high-quality development of the country. We will always seize the growth pole and growth point, and strive to achieve a regional GDP growth rate higher than the national average, in order to promote the rise of the central region. The central region uses “rise”, while the Yangtze River Economic Belt uses “development”. We believe that “rise” should exceed the general level of development and play a greater role. In terms of cultivating growth poles, we are accelerating the integration of Changsha, Zhuzhou, and Xiangtan, striving to achieve a total economic output of 2.5 trillion yuan by 2025. Nowadays, Changsha is increasingly favored by young people. We often follow a rule that any city that young people like must have vitality and beautiful prospects. The development trend in the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan area is very strong. We will focus on breakthroughs to drive a global leap, making it an important growth pole in the central region. At the same time, efforts will be made to create new growth points such as Beidou, new energy, and cultural tourism, forming a competitive industrial cluster in the central region.

The second is to strive for excellence in improving the load-bearing capacity of functions. Hunan is known as the “land of fish and rice” and “land of non-ferrous metals”. We will seize favorable conditions, leverage comparative advantages, and improve our carrying capacity in building important grain production bases, energy and raw material bases, modern equipment manufacturing and high-tech industry bases, and comprehensive transportation hubs, which are the requirements of the central government’s “three bases and one hub”. For example, as a “land of fish and rice”, Hunan’s total grain production has exceeded 60 billion kilograms for many years, reaching 61.3 billion kilograms last year. Among them, the planting area and yield of rice rank first in the country, and the planting area and yield of Camellia oleifera also rank first in the country, making Hunan’s contribution to filling Chinese people’s rice bowls with Chinese grain. As the “hometown of non-ferrous metals”, Hunan’s hard alloy materials account for about 40% of the country’s total, with advanced energy storage materials and advanced steel materials leading the country. We must continuously conquer cutting-edge technologies and strive to achieve a revenue of 800 billion yuan in the new materials industry by 2025, making greater contributions to building an energy and raw material base.

The third is to strive to be the first in polishing the green display. The forest coverage rate in Hunan is close to 60%, so when you go to Hunan, there are beautiful scenery, mountains and rivers, and changing scenery everywhere. At the same time, Hunan has 163 kilometers of Yangtze River coastline, and “one river, one lake, and four waters” is the main battlefield for us to create a beautiful Hunan. In accordance with the requirements of “jointly promoting major protection and avoiding major development” and “protecting the clear waters of one river”, we ensure that the water flowing from Hunan to the Yangtze River flows eastward. In terms of industrial ecology, it is necessary to make the industry have more “green content” and “gold content”, reflecting environmental friendliness and transformation and upgrading. In terms of ecological industrialization, the main focus is on exploring the transformation channels between the two mountains, as well as new business models such as “ecology+tourism” and “ecology+health”. We are talking about achieving the “Four Beauties”, which one is the “Four Beauties”? It is the beauty of green industries, green ecology, green culture, and green systems. We believe that the system is also aesthetically pleasing, focusing on “joint efforts to protect and avoid large-scale development” and “one river, one lake, and four waters”, implementing more good governance and good governance, making the system an important guarantee for the construction of a beautiful Hunan.