To implement strict discipline and rules, the Party Group of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference carried out a special study on Party discipline learning and education

Take party rules and discipline as a shining mirror and a guiding principle in one’s heart.

Hu Wenrong, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, presided over and delivered a speech.

Ma Lesheng, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Deputy Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, made a special guidance report on the implementation of the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the CPC, providing guidance and help for everyone to accurately understand and grasp the spirit, core essence, and practical requirements of the Regulations.

Hu Wenrong pointed out that the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the CPC, as an important basic law governing the Party, is a compulsory teaching material and a code of conduct for Party organizations and party members at all levels to know and enforce discipline.

Hu Wenrong emphasized that we must adhere to the principle of learning and discipline, regard learning the Regulations well as a compulsory and regular course, adhere to the principle of learning from the original, learning chapter by chapter, and connecting with practical learning, further achieve alertness, clarity of the bottom line, knowledge and respect, and continuously enhance our abilities in self purification, self-improvement, self reform, and self-improvement. We must consciously abide by rules and discipline, regard party rules and discipline as a shining mirror and a guiding principle in our hearts. We must consciously put ourselves, our responsibilities, and our work in place, and use discipline and rules to constrain our words and actions. We must further strengthen our determination, not exceed the norm, and set an example. We must strengthen the rectification of conduct and discipline, closely combine with the actual situation of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, use strict political discipline to drive all disciplines to be strictly enforced, further achieve strict management, effective prevention, and precise governance, and focus on creating a clean and upright political ecology. With a more energetic and proactive spirit, we will promote the improvement, efficiency, and high-quality development of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

Xiao Guiyu, Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Jin Xingming, Member and Vice Chairman of the Party Group, Huang Zhen, Vice Chairman, Yu Lijuan and Wu Xinbao, Member and Vice Chairman of the Party Group, and Shou Ziqi and Qian Feng, Vice Chairmen, attended.