Diplomats from multiple countries in Dunhuang, realizing the spirit of the Silk Road, freely discussing cultural exchanges and mutual learning

Lanzhou, June 8th (Xinhua) — The “Silk Road Spirit Promotes Civilization Exchange and Mutual Learning” dialogue meeting between Chinese envoys was held in Dunhuang, Gansu Province on the evening of the 7th. 30 ambassadors and high-level diplomats from 22 countries, as well as Chinese experts and scholars, gathered together to discuss the theme of “Silk Road spirit promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning”.

Jordanian Ambassador to China Hussein believes that, like today, diplomats from various countries sitting together to learn and exchange ideas can further promote friendship and strengthen cooperation, which is a concrete manifestation of the Silk Road spirit. “The mutual learning of different countries is an important reason for a country’s progress. We should not only see the advantages and strengths of different countries, but also discover some pain points of our own civilization, so that history and culture can be recognized and learned from each other.”

Dunhuang is a brilliant pearl embedded on the Silk Road and an important node for the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures. It is on this land that different civilizations blend with each other, forming a rich and colorful cultural landscape and historical heritage.

Several diplomats and Chinese experts and scholars believe that exploring cultural exchange and mutual learning in Dunhuang, which has a long history and diverse culture, is very meaningful.

Zhao Shengliang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Dunhuang Research Institute, introduced that Dunhuang culture has a history of thousands of years, vividly demonstrating that civilization is colorful through exchange and enriched through mutual learning. “Today, our study of the value of Dunhuang culture will undoubtedly have significant reference value for the current cultural exchange and cooperation between China and various ethnic groups around the world.”

Li Li, Director of the Beijing Diplomatic Service Bureau, stated that with this opportunity, the Chinese envoys and high-level diplomats had an immersive experience of the vast and profound historical and cultural heritage of Dunhuang. This experience enriched their understanding of Dunhuang culture and deepened their understanding of the Silk Road spirit.

Yuan Bingzhong, vice president of Xinhua News Agency, believed that for a long time, the ambassadors and senior diplomats who participated in the activities in China have played an important role in people to people and cultural exchanges along the Silk Road, and many friends have made important contributions to the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road”. “In the future, let us work together to further promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, so that the Silk Road will shine more brightly, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality co construction of the the Belt and Road and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.”

It is reported that this dialogue will be hosted by the Beijing Diplomatic Service Bureau, Xinhua News Agency Research Institute, Xinhua News Agency Information Center, Xinhua News Agency Gansu Branch, and other units. It is an important part of the “Let the World Enter the Hexi Corridor – Diplomats See China Gansu Tour” event held from June 5th to 8th.