The 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress was held, and these two regulations were voted to be passed

Continuously improving the quality of legislation and enhancing the rigidity of supervision.

The 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress continued today (May 10), and voted to pass the newly revised Shanghai Regulations on Science and Technology Progress and the Decision on Amending the Shanghai Regulations on the Safety Management of Non Motor Vehicles. All relevant regulations will come into effect on June 1, 2024. Huang Lixin, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, presided over and delivered a speech.

To maintain a good mental state and work style, continuously improve the quality of legislation, enhance the rigidity of supervision, and take responsibility for promoting the work of the Standing Committee.

Huang Lixin emphasized the need to focus on the central work of the Municipal Party Committee, conduct in-depth research on key issues of this year’s Standing Committee, and strengthen coordinated promotion. Legislation needs to solve difficult problems, supervision needs to identify the crux, actively respond to social concerns, and provide strong legal guarantees for the construction of the “Five Centers”. We need to establish and improve the system of collective research before the deliberation of the Standing Committee, the system of division of labor and contact issues among members, and the system of legal lectures, focusing on improving the quality and service guarantee level of the Standing Committee meetings, promoting better collective performance of the Standing Committee members, and promoting the work of the Standing Committee to be more grounded, observe the people’s situation, gather people’s wisdom, and benefit the people’s livelihood, to help the high-quality development of the work of the Shanghai People’s Congress.

The meeting listened to and discussed the report of the municipal government on the work of financial support for the real economy; We have listened to and reviewed the report of the municipal government on the development of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation. The meeting reviewed and voted to approve personnel appointment and removal matters, appointing Liu Jun as the Vice President, member of the Judicial Committee, and judge of the Third Intermediate People’s Court of Huawei City, as well as the Vice President, member of the Judicial Committee, and judge of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court; Remove Li Shulan from her position as Vice President, member of the Judicial Committee, and judge of the Third Intermediate People’s Court of the city, and from her position as Vice President, member of the Judicial Committee, and judge of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court; Appoint Xi Shanqing as the Deputy Prosecutor General, member of the Procuratorial Committee, and prosecutor of the First Branch of the Municipal People’s Procuratorate; Remove Qin Minghua from his position as Deputy Prosecutor General, member of the Procuratorial Committee, and prosecutor of the Second Branch of the Municipal People’s Procuratorate; Approve the removal of Yang Yongqin from the position of Chief Prosecutor of Baoshan District People’s Procuratorate; Approved the removal of Tan Qian from the position of Prosecutor General of Jinshan District People’s Procuratorate. The conference also held a constitutional oath taking ceremony.

Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress Zheng Gangmiao, Zhou Huilin, Zongming, Chen Jing, Zhang Quan, and Xu Yisong attended the meeting. Vice Mayor Jie Dong, the Municipal Supervision Commission, the Municipal High Court, the Municipal Procuratorate, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, relevant departments of the Municipal Government, leaders of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of each district, and some representatives of the Municipal People’s Congress attended the meeting as non voting delegates.